When your small business has grown to the point that a bookkeeper is needed, it’s okay to admit that you have no idea how hiring one works. You’d be forgiven for thinking that you make an appointment for accounting, bookkeeping or financial consulting services and then take your paperwork to their office, as this is how some professionals manage their business.
However, it’s much better for you to find a financial consultant and bookkeeper who will come to your business premises instead. Read on to find out why.
Keep Your Receipts in One Place
You’ll likely have developed a system for storing all your financial information and receipts at your office. Rather than take these out and transport them somewhere else, it’s much easier if your bookkeeper can come to your company office to see everything for themselves, so your files don’t have to be disturbed.
Not only will it be a smoother and easier exchange if all your information is to hand, but it will be quicker too. You may find you save money on the cost of your bookkeeper if you manage things this way.
Don’t Risk Losing or Forgetting Anything
Taking your files to your bookkeeper’s office will involve bringing everything on a specified list to them. If you forget even one thing on the list, or lose some information on the way, your bookkeeper may not be able to complete the required tasks.
At best, this could mean you’ll need to make another journey and appointment, but at worst it could cause a detrimental and burdensome effect for your business, such as payroll being held up for you and your staff.
Keep Your Information Safe
You may take great precautions to keep your personal and financial information safe at your office, such as storing documents in a safe or in a hidden location. Although your bookkeeper won’t compromise the integrity of the files, you could be putting the files at risk by taking them off the premises.
You could lose a document on the way to your appointment, which anyone could pick up and use. That would leave you and your business open to theft or fraud, especially if it’s left in the wrong hands.
By choosing a bookkeeper who can come to your office to conduct business, you’ll keep your information safe, save time, and have a much more positive experience each time you have a meeting.
What Does a Bookkeeper Do?, Sokanu.com
When to Hire a Bookkeeper or Accountant, Entrepreneur.com